Introducing Danish Originals: A Podcast

I am very excited and honoured to announce my collaboration with the new podcast ‘Danish Originals’, produced by AFSMK or American Friends of Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark).

It is a celebration of Danish nationals with connections to Los Angeles and the US, and their achievements here in America. The podcast series, part of a 2 year release plan, interviews well known Danes including movie stars, directors, skincare entrepreneurs and other creatives with each episode dedicated to the person’s chose piece of artwork from Statens Museum for Kunst, and why that particular artwork has a connection with them.  

It is a fascinating insight into my fellow Danes in America and what has shaped their journey either living or working temporarily here. They share stories of their introduction to the US, their challenges and achievements, their ideas and views of the world around us. They also, of course, chat about how Denmark and being Danish has influenced their work and creative direction.  

The podcast was born out of the desire to reach a wider audience by creating create a digital campaign. Back in 2015, AFSMK/SMK opened its first US exhibition in New York featuring Vilhelm Hammershøi. Since then, additional AFSMK/SMK exhibitions have taken place in the US. After a successful 2022–2023 season of SMK/AFSMK collaborations with the most prestigious art institutions in the US: The Metropolitan Museum in New York, MoMA in New York, and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, they are continuing to strengthen efforts to promote Danish art and culture in the US. 

Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK) stands as an iconic landmark in Copenhagen. Fond memories of exploring the Copenhagen and London galleries, as well as LA’s Getty, with my Danish mother underscore the significance of art in our lives and t’s an honor to contribute to this project.

Since last summer, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know the director of AFSMK. Our connection formed during my curation and hosting of the ‘Past Present Future’ exhibition in Los Angeles. This June, I am excited to join up once more, collaborating to launch the series at an event I’ll be hosting.

Click here to listen to the first series, and keep an eye out for new episodes released every week.   


The original museum building was designed by Vilhelm Dahlerup and G.E.W. Møller and built 1889–1896 in a Historicist Italian Renaissance revival style.

Towards the back of the museum is a large modern extension designed in 1998 by the architects Anna Maria Indrio and Mads Møller from Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller.


About the Podcast

Danish Originals is hosted by award-winning journalist and Golden Globes Associate Tina Jøhnk Christensen, directed by award-winning filmmaker Christian D. Bruun, and produced by Teresa Lai and May Eleven Projects, with advisor Hanne Støvring. The series is planned for 100 episodes over a two-year period. For more information on how to listen and subscribe, please visit